Install Mirte Software

For Mirte to work we need to install software on both the SD card and the microcontroller.

Download prebuilt SD card image

  1. Download the latest SD card image here (mirte_orangepizero2_*.img.xz).

  2. Burn the image onto the SD card with for example Balena Etcher.

  3. Put the SD card in the Orange Pi Zero 2.

Install MCU software

Currently this step is only needed for the Raspberry Pi Pico, which is the default MCU for Mirte. Instructions on installing this for other MCUs can be found here.

  1. Download the latest uf2 with the Mirte version of Telemetrix here (Telemetrix4RpiPico.uf2).

  2. Connect the Pico to you computer using a USB cable (with data) while pressing the BOOTSEL button.

  3. Copy the uf2 file to the mass storage device called RPI_RP2.